Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just a plain old ordinary day

Aside from Mike still recovering from surgery, today was a pretty average day.  Kids went to VBS this morning, I went to the dermatologist after having missed my appointment last week, Cal had a cub scout thing tonight and we spent the afternoon as a family hanging out at at Pecks.  I guess the only thing out of the ordinary was that I had a small mole removed from my wrist that will be biopsied.  Pretty exciting getting stitches for the first time in my life.  Funny how I'm not the least bit fazed about having a "suspicious" mole removed.  In the scheme of things, it's pretty boring.

I'm looking forward to my weekend away with Michelle & Maureen.  Thelma, Thelma & Louise (without driving off a cliff at the end).  Found out that one of the wineries will have a Jimmy Buffett tribute band with guest singer Nadirah Shakoor who is one of Jimmy's backup singers.  Figure we'll hit most of the wineries on Friday so we can spend as much time as we want at Von Jakob.  It will be good to get away and that little bit of guilt I was feeling before is pretty much gone.  Did I mention I'm excited to get to see Nadirah?
Nadirah Shakoor - Making Music for Money

Back to work for me tomorrow.  Mike is driving again so he can take the kids to VBS and then to the sitter for the day.  Will be nice to have another "normal" day. Although, as I know full well, that can all turn in an instant.  Guess that's what keeps things exciting.

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